If you need help with anything else, check out some of our other Nier Replicant guides, such as How to Get Nier Replicant New Ending E, 4 Yorha DLC – How to Change Costume, and Rainbow Trout Fishing Location & Bait.

If you follow our instructions, you should have more than enough fairly quickly. 15 Mysterious Switch 10 Natural Rubber 5 Royal Fern 3 Severed Cable. That mission requires you to find and deliver three of these ferns. Elaborate Machine is a Raw Material in NieR RepliCant and NieR Gestalt Buy The. If you’re wondering what you need it for, well, it features in The Tavern Keeper’s Grandmother quest, among other things. Nier Replicant Elaborate Machine If you found this helpful then please let me. So, that’s how you get Royal Fern in Nier Replicant. Here’s how you can find berries and royal fern in NieR Replicant. Your objective is to get three medicinal herbs, berries and royal fern. NieR Replicant: Where to Find Royal Fern By Jonathan Sayers Published A side quest in NieR Replicant sends players out to find some Royal Fern, but its difficult to find. Let us know in the comments if this is true. The Tavern Keeper’s Grandmother is a side quest in NieR Replicant ver 1.22. Completing side quests will be a common pastime for those who want to explore as much as possible. Last, and quite likely least, I’ve seen talk that you can maybe grow the plant on your farm, but we haven’t been able to check. NieR Replicant is a deep RPG with lots of side quests. Once in Seafront, find the item shop, and you’ll be able to purchase Royal Fern for fairly little money. You can see where you need to go in the screenshots above. To get to the town, you have to go through the southern gate of your village and all the way through Southern Plains.